Tuesday, April 27, 2010

teen advantage

for her!
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: One tablet
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Vitamin A
(20% as beta-carotene) 2500 IU 50%
Vitamin C 120 mg 200%
Vitamin D 800 IU 200%
Vitamin E 30 IU 100%
Vitamin K 25 mcg 31%
Thiamin (B1) 2.3 mg 153%
Riboflavin (B2) 2.6 mg 153%
Niacin 30 mg 150%
Vitamin B6 3 mg 150%
Folic Acid 400 mcg 100%
Vitamin B12 9 mcg 150%
Biotin 300 mcg 100%
Pantothenic Acid 10 mg 100%
Calcium (elemental) 300 mg 30%
Iron 18 mg 100%
Magnesium 50 mg 13%
Zinc 15 mg 100%
Selenium 20 mcg 29%
Copper 2 mg 100%
Manganese 2 mg 100%
Chromium 120 mcg 100%

for him!!
Supplement Facts
Serving Size: One tablet
Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Vitamin A
(20% as beta-carotene) 2500 IU 50%
Vitamin C 120 mg 200%
Vitamin D 400 IU 100%
Vitamin E 30 IU 100%
Vitamin K 25 mcg 31%
Thiamin (B1) 3.75 mg 250%
Riboflavin (B2) 4.25 mg 250%
Niacin 30 mg 150%
Vitamin B6 5 mg 250%
Folic Acid 400 mcg 100%
Vitamin B12 15 mcg 250%
Biotin 300 mcg 100%
Pantothenic Acid 10 mg 100%
Calcium (elemental) 200 mg 20%
Iron 9 mg 50%
Magnesium 100 mg 25%
Zinc 15 mg 100%
Selenium 20 mcg 29%
Copper 2 mg 100%
Manganese 2 mg 100%
Chromium 120 mcg 100%

heres the deal:
for vit B she gets 200% he gets 100%
for B1 and B2, he gets 250% and she gets 153%
for B6 she gets 150% he gets 250%
for B12 she gets 150% he gets 250%
for Calcium she gets 30% he gets 20%
for Iron she gets 100% he gets 50%
for Magnesium she gets 13% he gets 25%
everything else is the same

but it is promoted for HER healthy skin and HIS healthy muscles.
"the only gender specific vitamin for your teen's needs"

how do they come up with this shit?!?!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

follow up to our class discussion

I have so much i would like to say and not evenough space in my head to put it, so humor me while i splurge.

I think its sad that representations of the GLBT community are so far and few between. take movies for example. there are MILLIONS out there, that are straight, and i can comfortably say i own over 90% of the GLBT movies, becasue if there were more than 30, i would be surprised. thats sad.

lesbians get more representation then gay men, because of our "sex appeal" to the straight male community. so when we are depicted we are totally objectified into bodies, and most times are made to be "questioning" or "bisexual" so that men feel like they have a chance with us. We are more accessable.

One one hand, i feel like the community is more in touch with our sexuality, because our sex is for pleasure more than procreation, but on the other hand we are pushed into more confusion, because of the pressure to confrom to straight standards, and the teen pregnancy rate of females that are gay is higher that that of our straight counterparts. why? trying to fit in perhaps.

On a completely unrelated topic, it is my personal belief that if you can't pleasure yourself, you have no place seeking pleasure from others. maybe thats the feminist in me, but we should not be dependant on any other person to seek any of our needs (yes sex is a need).

On another tangent, this is my rant about lesbian sex. Everyone wants to knwo what it is, and that pisses me off. They seem to think that sex is only penetration. firstly, its not. secondly, who is to say we don't penetrate? so this is the one and only time i will explain my views on a blog. I feel like those of you who see sex (gay men included) as a penis and a vagina (or asshole) and nothing more, i feel sorry for you. your sex can therefor take two minutes, center around his explosion, and utilize only one part of each of you. thats no connection. When i have sex with my girlfriend, i dont have the same closedness of my mind. I have the freedom to take my whole body and worship her whole body, and sex is not just about the "reproductive parts" but any parts that can help enhnace the feeling good experience. So yes, lesbians, once settled, have sex less than straight couples. But our sex also takes a whole lot longer because it isn;t about "his timeing" its about seeking as much pleasure as posssible for your partner. Not saying we can't have quickies, but the focus is that SHE cums, not that HE does.

thats my rant.

i could go much much longer but i need to stop procrastinating and do some homework

Monday, April 19, 2010

when objectivity is priority

Deborah Tolman's "Object lessons: Romance, Violation, and Female Adolescent Sexual Desire"

This is the dichotomy that she presents about girls and boys in life:
(notice that gender queers are not even mentioned. hmm. )

More/less willing to respond
Slut or prude
Neither acceptable
Sexual “behavior”
Almost always “deviant”
White, middle class- asexual/under sexualized
Lower class- promiscuous/over sexualized
Rape by man to woman seen as
“she must have deserved it”
Carries into life
The oppressed
Always a dichotomy, never in the “right”

Sex drive to initiate
uncontrollable and victimizing
Sexual “feeling”
Almost always “good”
White middle class- sexualized
Lower class- oversexualized/asexualized
Rape by man to woman seen as
“he couldn’t help himself”
Carries into life
The oppressor
Many answers, always in the “right”

My problems with the study:

  1. i don't know why she chose to interview this person for the bulk of her paper when she interviewed many more. This girl is a 17 year old female, who does support her hypothesis that she objectifies herself, says she doesn't feel pleasure, and wants some man to come wisk her away, however, this girl has never experienced her sexuality. She had one molestation experience, and obviously hasn't yet recovered from it, and you want to study her? Than this is a study on molestation and rape victims, not teenage female sexuality. big difference.
American Academcy of Experts on Tramadic Stress say about recovery from trauma
  1. how do we know the questions were honest and not what the author wanted to hear or what the participant though the author wanted to hear
  2. how do we know the participant even know what she was being asked- many of her questions showed deflection, is this because she understood and didn't want to talk about it, or because she didn't know what she was answering

Having said that, here are some good points:
  1. “despite our constant sense of outrage at this violation (men objectifying us), we have been trained to be the best objects we can be, even at the very moment of violation (you try all the harder to fit their standards)”.This quote is so true and defiantly understated. Our culture is so ingrained that we yearn to meet standards even as we fight them. In an extreme example, my roommates, a female to male trans man we'll call Derek, changed his name and has been on hormones (T) for eight months, actively living as a man. But when his girlfriend's prom came up, he went out and bought a dress because "I never saw myself as a girl, but everyone wanted me to be so bad, and i know i should find myself wanting to wear a suit, but i feel like a princess in a dress and i feel like its just what i was meant to do. " this he told me, as he stood in the living room in a floor length purple princess ball gown, examining the length of his facial hair and discussing how soon before the dance he should shave so that he won't be stubbly while there.
  2. "other stories need to be taught, figureheads need to be publicized, fantasies need to be explored for females starting at a very young age where women are not objects, that it is okay to feel desire, that they can initiate, and that it is not their job to control male's "raging hormones"" i agree that education is key, and while sexuality may seem like a taboo topic, it is not that hard to cover. When all the Disney movies show a woman who waits for her man to come rescue her, like she is helpless and incomplete without him, that is a problem! (sleeping beauty and snow white were literally half dead while waiting for their men!)

Connections to other texts
  1. Christensen would defiantly argue that the texts we feed our children at a young age matter, and that the hidden scripts in them are much more powerful then we think. There need to be a multitude of scripts that speak gender other, gayness, and fem-powerment, to combat all the other things that will bombard them. Having one of each isn't enough either, because stories are just as dismissible when they are the "exception" to the rule, we need to change the rule. Males should be allowed to feel proud and empowered too, not that they should be put down, but women, gender queers, and lgbts, people of color, people with disabilities, people of different classes, need to be on an equal status level in representation.
  2. the videos that we watched on puberty between males and females i think was very telling. the idea of hormones "attacking the girl while she slept" versus the male "fine tuning his newly growing muscles"they speak volumes to the passive vs. active divide that is created.
  3. this is media literacy all the way. we know that the dominant texts aren't going to change overnight, and all of Disney's movies, and control won't be outdated that fast either, but if we can teach our children, the younger the better, what the scripts say, that other representations exist, and that its good to feel empowered then they can carry this with them for life.
    • on that note, we need to not be afraid to talk about sex and sexuality with our children. "the talk" shouldn't be such a taboo topic. Our country has a very publicly promiscuous and privately prudent culture, and that is one of the main reasons why women may learn to feel empowered in other areas, but not relate this back to their sexuality. Help them make the connections! This doesn't have to mean advocating for sex, but knowledge about sex is never a bad thing or a scary thing, and to tell people "just to wait" but never actually talking about it is the worst thing we could possibly do.
Time says "parents have the sex talk too little too late"
Planned Parenthood says "start talking young, and start with teachable moments!"
what to do when a child comes out to you

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lol: breaking out and breaking down

New Media Networking and Phatic Culture by Vincent Miller
Summery and Quotes:

A.Focus on self talk on blogs
B.Relationships based on trust based on self disclosure, intimacy, openness
C.Increasing need for self clarification, social validation and relationship development, all formed through online social bonds
D.Obious displays of emotion to manipulate self presentation
c.Reality tv
d.Tell all talk shows

2.Social relationships
a.Continual deconstruction and reconstruction of social bonds
b.“Networking” with people only so long as to get what you want
c.Social relations primarily informational and not narrative
d.No limit to relationships

3.Posting materials
a.No context for items- all on one page at that point in time
b.No progression or connection, each piece just as important as anything else
c.Importance not only on text but pix, videos, Farmville, etc.
d.Making a profile is essentially compiling an unconnected list
e.Friends are simply a commodity to be collected but not maintained
i.Large network= more secure individual
f.All about connections- not about conversations
g.No limit to materials

4.Phatic exchange
a.Communication not intended to carry information, but to mock communicative pattern
b.To keep lines of communication open but not say substantial things
c.Human relationships dependent on/replaced by objects
d.Exchange of words is superfluous, connection to other being is significant
e.Twitter is epitome of this type of exchange
f.Personal information easy to commodify

1. Wouldn't texting and the text lingo be the epitome of phatic exchange? lol, lmafo, bamf, gtg, ttyl, etc. we have developeda whole systme of communication based on the need to cut everything irrespective of grammer into the smallest and least effort to produce clips to tell people what we want them to know, and then send it to them via text, wholly impersonal. I love to text, i dont think i would be connectied to most of my friends, much less my mate, without it, but i feel like text speak undermines the legitimacy of a conversation, and i hate the transgressions on grammer, even though as we speak i have committed far too many to name

2. i would argue, and correct me if this is product of society speaking, that in the society we have created for ourselves we are so busy doing trying to fit 29 hours into a 24 hour period that clips and breif interactions have become intgral to maintaining relationships that would otherwise go forgotten. and so, where the feeling i get from the article is that this is a disintigration of proper scoeity that is a social problem, i feel like it is a logical reaction to the progression of communitation in the modern-day era we have created for ourselves

Connection: the rise of "Sexting"

Connection to texts:
Raby's five discourses
i think this causes a huge connection to the "at risk" category. teens, as demonstrated by the first article, are likly to have social network pages, are likly to post things like pictures, and even when they put restrictions on who views them it can;t be that hard to find "dirt" on other people. social networking sites make a whole lot of poeple's lives, from where they are to what they like to who they are with to what they were o what their schedule is availible for a very wide audience to see, from predators to ex's to future employers to future employees, even your own children. Teens are at risk of so many things becasue their lives are more exposed than ever- and that's a very scary phenomenon.