Wednesday, April 21, 2010

follow up to our class discussion

I have so much i would like to say and not evenough space in my head to put it, so humor me while i splurge.

I think its sad that representations of the GLBT community are so far and few between. take movies for example. there are MILLIONS out there, that are straight, and i can comfortably say i own over 90% of the GLBT movies, becasue if there were more than 30, i would be surprised. thats sad.

lesbians get more representation then gay men, because of our "sex appeal" to the straight male community. so when we are depicted we are totally objectified into bodies, and most times are made to be "questioning" or "bisexual" so that men feel like they have a chance with us. We are more accessable.

One one hand, i feel like the community is more in touch with our sexuality, because our sex is for pleasure more than procreation, but on the other hand we are pushed into more confusion, because of the pressure to confrom to straight standards, and the teen pregnancy rate of females that are gay is higher that that of our straight counterparts. why? trying to fit in perhaps.

On a completely unrelated topic, it is my personal belief that if you can't pleasure yourself, you have no place seeking pleasure from others. maybe thats the feminist in me, but we should not be dependant on any other person to seek any of our needs (yes sex is a need).

On another tangent, this is my rant about lesbian sex. Everyone wants to knwo what it is, and that pisses me off. They seem to think that sex is only penetration. firstly, its not. secondly, who is to say we don't penetrate? so this is the one and only time i will explain my views on a blog. I feel like those of you who see sex (gay men included) as a penis and a vagina (or asshole) and nothing more, i feel sorry for you. your sex can therefor take two minutes, center around his explosion, and utilize only one part of each of you. thats no connection. When i have sex with my girlfriend, i dont have the same closedness of my mind. I have the freedom to take my whole body and worship her whole body, and sex is not just about the "reproductive parts" but any parts that can help enhnace the feeling good experience. So yes, lesbians, once settled, have sex less than straight couples. But our sex also takes a whole lot longer because it isn;t about "his timeing" its about seeking as much pleasure as posssible for your partner. Not saying we can't have quickies, but the focus is that SHE cums, not that HE does.

thats my rant.

i could go much much longer but i need to stop procrastinating and do some homework


Kelsey Morris said...

I love this! Being pansexual, I'm so sick of people only thinking of the LGBT community as purely sexual when most of us fall for the person before we have sex with them, like a lot of heterosexual couples. I hate when people say that lesbian sex doesn't count as well. Sharing your deepest sexuality with anyone, I would say, is a sexual experience. Pure ignorance. Also, lesbian porn is not even for lesbians, it's for men! I think that true lesbian porn would be much different than what is out there. I don't think whether someone has a penis or vagina should be the issue, but your feelings towards the person. Love is love! But hey, that's me ranting too.

Eva said...

hehe i like it when you rant. rock on.

and "crash pad series" by the way.